become a Greener company

Here's how you can calculate your Carbon Footprint to enable clear communication of your CO2-emissions to clients and stakeholders

Empower Your Business with Sustainable Practices to Meet Customer Demands and Regulatory Requirements.

Do you know these problems:

  • Are you unsure about the value of measuring our Carbon Footprint and starting with sustainability?
  • Are you receiving sustainability questionnaires from key clients but I can’t answer them with confidence?
  • Are you worried about upcoming sustainability regulations, such as the CSRD, and want to ensure our company is compliant?
  • Are you concerned about the lack of knowledge in my team to measure our Carbon Footprint and become Climate Neutral?

We provide the strategies and solutions to help you solve this:

Understand the value of sustainability reporting and a carbon footprint

Ensure you meet regulatory demands and client request

Know how to combine intrinsic sustainability with business value

Your Guide to determine your Carbon Footprint and achieve Climate Neutrality

1) Understand which sources in your business cause CO2 emissions. This is explained in our free training.

2) Collect the right information, such as electricity invoices, to have the accurate input.

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3) Fill in our CO2-calculator to calculate your Carbon Footprint accurately. We will send the CO2-calculator by email.

4) Develop a reduction strategy to become Climate Neutral, vital for reducing your impact on the environment and implementing green initiatives.

This is where you reap the benefits of lowering your co2 emissions, being a green and sustainable company and giving you that competitive edge on sustainability

5) Create communication outings to share your progress with clients, employees, and suppliers, enhancing your company's market positioning as a leader in sustainability.

Receive the CO2 Calculator template and training

Fill in the form below and receive the CO2 calculator and training immediately in your inbox.

About Greener Company

We are Greener Company and we stand at the forefront of environmental consulting, with a focus on providing comprehensive carbon footprint assessments and strategies for achieving climate neutrality. Our experience with over 50 clients equips us with the unique insights and tools necessary to help your business thrive in a green economy.

This team will work with you

We are certified GHG-protocol consultants

Jan Verbeek









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Not only because we owe it to the next generations

But also, because it makes Business sense!

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